Monday, January 14, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Well, it’s the 3rd week of January, how many of you have broken at least one of your New Year’s Resolutions? I haven’t, I am not bragging but you have to make Resolutions to keep them. Several years ago, I gave up resolutions for good. Oh sure I have goals for the year, but resolutions, never again. Why? Too much pressure, too easy to quit, too, well, you name it and I’ll find an excuse.
I am a firm believer in continuous improvement.
Yes, it is very business sounding, however if you think about it, why create obstacles for yourself. If you start out the year with the resolution to exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes and you don’t do it, you fail. Also, why the New Year, when most of us need corrections throughout the year.
Here is how it works for me! One of my goals is to exercise more, I would like to work out 3-4 days a week and I can tell you I am not currently doing so. I am however working out 1-2 days a week and that is more then I was a month ago and next month I will try to work in another day or work out longer each time. So when I look back I see improvement and not failure.

The solutions Matrix Ingenuity offer are the same, they are always in the process of continuous improvement.
Our training and support is always being modified and perfected to provide you with the highest quality and the most enjoyable experience MI can offer.
Interwrite Learning is an excellent example of the continuous improvement system. Their Interwrite Workspace software is being enriched everyday, they take user feedback and any issues that arise and improve the software, and they provide the upgrades for free.
Matrix Ingenuity’s website is also under continuous improvement. Changes are being made every day sometimes they work and sometimes we need to make changes, but we are striving to improve.
This blog too is a new endeavor and if I haven’t bored you to tears yet, I have improved since last week. (I didn’t even blog)

Remember the addage:
"Good, Better, Best, Never Rest. Till good is better and better, best"

How can you work continuous improvement? I look forward to your response.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke (1917 - ), "Profiles of The Future", 1961 (Clarke's third law)

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