Wednesday, August 27, 2008

eInstruction was Interwrite... is now eInstruction... was Interwrite

Product name changes can throw us for a loop sometimes, especially when you are not tuned into the reason why they update. Company mergers, collapsing product lines, marketing, even whim drives these changes. I don't really get caught up in that spin; I just want the products and software that I use to be reliable.

Interwrite products are now eInstruction. The links to these manufacturers are getting sorted out, and is with any merger, it will take a bit of time for those to completely blend. The important factors, such as eInstruction tech support and Workspace software downloads are available without a glitch.

eInstruction released Workspace-ExamView Edition Software not long ago and you can download it for FREE. It has a bunch of new features that will bring current eInstruction (formerly Interwrite) Pad, Board, and Response users up to a new level. Some basic training video clips are available online but Matrix Ingenuity has a series of classes that we offer for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced users.

I'll be interested to see what the current (now eInstruction) Pad/Board and Response users think of the new software... We'd be glad to show them what they have now...

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